Monday, April 22, 2013

Sensational Learning: Moving your Neurons Forward"


“If we used our hands like we use our brains, we’d have to make do with one finger”

Look at the irony when you could only use 10% of your fingers…one finger to be exact.  As nurses & other healthcare professionals do their thing, from documenting in patients’ charts, changing linens, draining foley catheters & changing IV bottles, you’ll probably feel useless & frustrated.  In fact, you will definitely give up trying too much of anything that was enlisted. Well, the sad part there is that you are only about to use as little as 10% of a part of your body – the brain.

They say that the average person uses only a small part of the brain (I think some people really do use a small fraction of theirs, hehe), because of that, most of the neurons on other parts of the brain remained unused & not abused (as you attempt selling them in a junk shop, you could trade it for more money because its “slightly used” lols); and because of that, most people tend to give up trying to study, memorize & learn new things to quench their thirst of curiosity. Learning doesn’t have to be tedious, instead it should be fun as if you’re playing your… (you know what I mean ahehe).

Moving forward, I’ll be enlisting some important key points in order for us to sensationalize learning & transmute it, to let our neurons move forward.  J


“Ordinary students learn as well as gifted students”

Total Physical Response (TPR) is to use a huge part of our brain, that most educators neglect (as they say) – the right hemisphere of the brain, because “right brain learning” is easier & more effective that ordinary language student can learn as well as “gifted” students now do by traditional methods (ofcourse, we remove other variables that may affect learning for example high increments in IQ levels, physical defects, etc.). Activities for example that stimulate the physical body at the same time using critical thinking skills in order to accelerate comprehension & with a stress free environment; therefore, leads to a very long term retention. Not only language that may affect the learning, but any skill or discipline is easier to learn with an approach that incorporates right brain learning.


"Mental Imagery helps you achieve any skill"

There is another effective way of improving learning by thinking of pictures, because human beings tend to think only words we hear from our environment, but if try to learn it by creating pictures of what we want to learn, it becomes a constructive thought / idea, which I think is much better than letting words enter your left ear, then goes out to your right ear ahehe.

"Music in your ears relaxes you like meditation"

While yoga exercises & relaxation techniques are used before studying, listening to music while studying is also calming (based from my experience, though I listen most of the time to trans music that I tend to dance rather than studying ahehe joke :) According to Dr. Halpern, learning potential also seems to be improving with specific relaxing music, which turn out to improve & achieve higher grade point averages when certain background music were played in the classroom.

So much of my non sense (ahehe), I see that learning is needed to be sensationalized, not for the sake of academics but also to enhance their critical thinking skills at the same time to make ourselves healthy, because you cannot separate LIFE from LEARNING.  :)